Target folder: ArchimedesDefaultPoints.x3d is a rendering of a point cloud through the X3D 3.3 PointSet node. Original point cloud is a sampling from an optical scan of a small sculpture of Archimedes. Color per vertex was added using the color field of the PointSet node. ArchimedesDefaultPointsScreenshot.png -- screenshot of ArchimedesDefaultPoints.x3d rendered in Xj3D v2.1-nps ArchimedesPointProperties.x3d : Same PointSet node as in ArchimedesDefaultPoints.x3d, but with PointProperties node as a child of the Appearance node sibling of the PointSet ArchimedesPointPropertiesScreenshot.png -- screenshot of ArchimedesPointProperties.x3d rendered in Xj3D v2.1-nps X3D files checked against X3D Validator distributed in X3D-Edit v3.3.134 Only original issues were presence of non-standard PointProperties node in file ArchimedesPointProperties.x3d