X3D Example Archives: Humanoid Animation, Polygonal

Directory Viewpoint Slideshow

The Polygonal directory contains polygonal mesh X3D models conforming that do not implement the Humanoid Animation (HAnim) International Standard, ISO—IEC 14774:2019. They are candidates for conversion and upgrading.

Ongoing work in progress is converting HAnim1 models to HAnim2, testing X3D Quality Assurance (QA) conformance, and upgrading X3dTidy stylesheet cleanup capabilities. See build.schematron.log.txt and build.log.txt for current status.

X3D Tooltips of interest, in hierarchical order: HAnimHumanoid, HAnimJoint, HAnimSegment, HAnimSite, HAnimDisplacer, HAnimMotion.

Humanoid animation (HAnim) version 2 International Standard includes Part 1: architecture and Part 2: motion data animation.

X3D Specification section of interest: 26 Humanoid Animation (HAnim) component.

1 X3D Models                 X3D Model Viewpoint Snapshots

[1] Marine.x3d Marine Front
[2] Marine.x3d Marine Back
[3] Marine.x3d (default X3D view from 0 0 10)

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