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3 | <X3D profile='Immersive' version='3.3' xmlns:xsd='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' xsd:noNamespaceSchemaLocation='https://www.web3d.org/specifications/x3d-3.3.xsd'> |
4 | <head> |
5 | <meta name='title' content='HelloPoland.x3d'/> |
6 | <meta name='description' content='HelloPoland example scene to show Polish special characters: Witaj Polsko!'/> |
7 | <meta name='creator' content='Don Brutzman'/> |
8 | <meta name='creator' content='Michalis Kamburelis'/> |
9 | <meta name='created' content='8 October 2023'/> |
10 | <meta name='modified' content='8 October 2023'/> |
11 | <meta name='subject' content='Hello World, Poland'/> |
12 |
<meta name='Image' content='images/HelloPolandFreeWRL.png'![]() |
13 |
<meta name='Image' content='images/HelloPolandH3DViewer.png'![]() |
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<meta name='Image' content='images/HelloPolandInstantReality.png'![]() |
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<meta name='Image' content='images/HelloPolandOctaga.png'![]() |
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<meta name='Image' content='images/HelloPolandView3DScene.png'![]() |
17 | <meta name='reference' content='https://github.com/castle-engine/view3dscene/issues/30#issuecomment-630715046'/> |
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<meta name='Image' content='images/HelloPolandXj3d.png'![]() |
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<meta name='Image' content='images/HelloPolandX_ITE.png'![]() |
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<meta name='Image' content='images/HelloPolandX3DOM.png'![]() |
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<meta name='Image' content='Flag_of_Poland.svg' |
22 |
<meta name='Image' content='Flag_of_Poland.svg.png'![]() |
23 | <meta name='reference' content='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poland#/media/File:Flag_of_Poland.svg'/> |
24 | <meta name='reference' content='https://www.w3.org/International'/> |
25 | <meta name='reference' content='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Percent-encoding'/> |
26 | <meta name='reference' content='https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Hello_World'/> |
27 | <meta name='reference' content='https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%22Hello,%20World!%22_program'/> |
28 | <meta name='reference' content='https://en.wikibooks.org/w/index.php?title=Computer_Programming/Hello_world'/> |
29 | <meta name='reference' content='https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSOnGlgAFxkWg8ilg-JEbAQ'/> |
30 | <meta name='identifier' content='https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dForAdvancedModeling/HelloWorldScenes/HelloPoland.x3d'/> |
31 | <meta name='generator' content='X3D-Edit 4.0, https://savage.nps.edu/X3D-Edit'/> |
32 | <meta name='license' content='../license.html'/> |
33 | </head> |
34 | <Scene> |
35 | <WorldInfo title='HelloPoland.x3d'/> |
36 | <Background skyColor='0 0.458824 0.941176'/> |
37 | <Viewpoint description='Witaj Polsko! Dobrej zabawy z X3D!'/> |
38 | <Anchor description='Poland Wikipedia page' url=' "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poland" '> |
39 | <Transform translation='0 -2 0'> |
40 | <Transform translation='0 4.8 0'> |
41 | <Shape> |
42 | <Text string='"Witaj Polsko!"'> |
43 | <FontStyle justify='"MIDDLE" "MIDDLE"'/> |
44 | </Text> |
45 | <Appearance DEF='PolandRedAppearance'> |
46 | <Material diffuseColor='0.863 0.078 0.235'/> |
47 | <!-- #dc143c --> |
48 | </Appearance> |
49 | </Shape> |
50 | </Transform> |
51 | <Shape> |
52 | <Text string='"Dobrej zabawy z X3D!" "Have fun with X3D!"'> |
53 | <FontStyle justify='"MIDDLE" "MIDDLE"'/> |
54 | </Text> |
55 | <Appearance DEF='PolandWhiteAppearance'> |
56 | <Material diffuseColor='1 1 1'/> |
57 | <!-- #ffffff --> |
58 | </Appearance> |
59 | </Shape> |
60 | <Transform DEF='PolishFlag' translation='0 2.7 0'> |
61 | <Shape> |
62 | <Box size='4.5 3 .0001'/> |
63 | <Appearance> |
64 |
url=' "Flag_of_Poland.svg.png![]() ![]() |
65 | </Appearance> |
66 | </Shape> |
67 | </Transform> |
68 | </Transform> |
69 | </Anchor> |
70 | </Scene> |
71 | </X3D> |
Color-coding legend: X3D terminology
DEF='idName' field='value'/>
matches XML terminology
DEF='idName' attribute='value'/>
(Light-blue background: event-based behavior node or statement)
(Grey background inside box: inserted documentation)
(Magenta background: X3D Extensibility)
For additional help information about X3D scenes, please see X3D Tooltips, X3D Resources, and X3D Scene Authoring Hints.