Web3D 2023 Countdown begins - Registration still open - Join us to advance the exciting world of 3D on the Web!

Join us to advance the exciting world of 3D on the Web! Generate new knowledge and unlock the value of 3D across several application domains. Program Highlights: Metaverse - Digital Twins - AR/VR Simulation - Scientific Visualization

Web3D 2023 Conference, 9-11 October 2023, in beautiful San Sebastian, Spain. In-person and on-line registration still openRegister now Join us to advance the exciting world of 3D on the Web! Learn from the best in the 3D industry. Generate new knowledge and unlock the value of 3D across several application domains.  Program Highlights  and  Keynote Speakers 
Metaverse - Digital Twins - AR/VR Simulation - Scientific Visualization 

See you in San Sebastián!

If you would like more information about the conference, please visit our website.

Press Release: 
Release Date: 
Sun, 2023-10-01