Class JoeSkinTexcoordDisplacerKick


public class JoeSkinTexcoordDisplacerKick extends Object

This Joe model is a V1 LOA3 Humanoid with textured skin composed mainly of V1 Site locations.

Related links: source, X3D Resources, X3D Scene Authoring Hints, and X3D Tooltips.

Scene Meta Information
meta tags HumanoidAnimation.Legacy.JoeSkinTexcoordDisplacerKick  Document Metadata
title JoeSkinTexcoordDisplacerKick.x3d
info Joe No Reservations 20200709 spec root and vc7 hier 20161206 ... 20121221 ... 20040109 x3d/hanim
description This Joe model is a V1 LOA3 Humanoid with textured skin composed mainly of V1 Site locations.
created 15 January 2004
translated 12 January 2017
modified 2 July 2023
error Legacy model, not valid as X3D4 HAnim version 2.0 since HAnim version 1.0 has significant differences and is no longer directly supported
creator Joe D Williams
translator Roy Walmsley
translator Don Brutzman
info Transcoding from .vrml to .x3dv by Joe using BS studio circa 2012
info translated from .x3dv to .xml for web3d archive
TODO Record information relating a certain skin coordinate to a V1 Annex A Site name and location is now found in comment at end of this scene where each # number name string appears in the order of coordinate points in the skin mesh user code. Best organized to provide author data naming important HAnim humanoid skeletonspace to skinspace relations using structured MetadataSet containing MetadataString nodes
info modified to correct root and vc7 hierarchies
generator BS studio translation from .x3dv by Joe using BS Contact
generator X3D-Edit 3.3,
license ../license.html

This program uses the X3D Java Scene Access Interface Library (X3DJSAIL). It has been produced using the X3dToJava.xslt stylesheet (version control) which is used to create Java source code from an original .x3d model.