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Vault - Class in Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course
Gothic vaulted ceiling archway: this file builds a piece of a vaulted ceiling using an IndexedFaceSet node.
Vault() - Constructor for class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Vault
Default constructor to create this object.
Vector - Class in Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course
Vector: this world illustrates the use of a Prototype declaration to define a generic vector whose position, orientation, scale, and color are all set by incoming fields.
Vector() - Constructor for class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.Vector
Default constructor to create this object.
VectorField1 - Class in Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course
Vector field: this world illustrates the use of an external prototype to define a generic vector.
VectorField1() - Constructor for class Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course.VectorField1
Default constructor to create this object.
Vrml2Sourcebook - package Vrml2Sourcebook
Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter02Introduction - package Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter02Introduction
This chapter presents introductory concepts describing VRML/X3D files, building shapes, three dimensions and event animation.
Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter03Shapes - package Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter03Shapes
This chapter describes how to build primitive geometric shapes.
Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter04Text - package Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter04Text
Text geometry is placed in a Shape to describe your scene.
Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter05PositioningShapes - package Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter05PositioningShapes
This chapter describes how to position shapes within an X-Y-Z world coordinate system by adding a parent Transform node.
Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter06RotatingShapes - package Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter06RotatingShapes
Rotations can transform the orientation of a shape in any direction.
Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter07ScalingShapes - package Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter07ScalingShapes
Scale transformations grow or shrink a local coordinate system by a scaling factor in the X, Y, and Z directions.
Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter08AnimatingPositionOrientationScale - package Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter08AnimatingPositionOrientationScale
TimeSensor nodes produce clock events that can drive event-producing interpolators for animating position, orientation and scale.
Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter09SensingViewer - package Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter09SensingViewer
Authors can design interactivity into a scene that responds to user actions.
Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter10Materials - package Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter10Materials
Appearance and Material nodes control a shape's shading color (diffuseColor), glow color (emissiveColor), transparency, shininess, and ambient intensity.
Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter11Grouping - package Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter11Grouping
Grouping nodes are used to group shapes to compose complex shapes.
Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter12Inline - package Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter12Inline
Inline nodes can load other VRML/X3D scenes into the current scene, helping authors reuse models to build larger worlds.
Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter13PointsLinesFaces - package Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter13PointsLinesFaces
Points, lines and mesh faces allow authors to build a complete variety of geometry.
Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter14ElevationGrid - package Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter14ElevationGrid
ElevationGrid nodes provide a simple way to construct terrain-like geometry.
Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter15Extrusion - package Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter15Extrusion
Extrusion geometry is defined by a 2D cross-section that is stretched and rotated around a central spine.
Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter16Color - package Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter16Color
The Color node lists Red-Green-Blue (RGB) colors to use for rendering points in a geometric shape.
Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter17Textures - package Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter17Textures
Textures are 2D images that can be wrapped on top of 3D geometry.
Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter18TextureMapping - package Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter18TextureMapping
Texture coordinates transform and map pixels in a 2D image onto specific 3D points.
Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter19NormalsShading - package Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter19NormalsShading
Normal (perpendicular) vectors defined for individual points or polygons can change the shading of geometry.
Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter20Lighting - package Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter20Lighting
Lights provide virtual illumination that allows objects to be seen.
Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter21ShinyMaterials - package Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter21ShinyMaterials
Material nodes are the primary way to define color, transparency and shininess for geometric objects.
Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter22Background - package Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter22Background
A Background node presents a virtual sky above and land (or sea, or space) below.
Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter23Fog - package Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter23Fog
Fog simulates atmospheric effects by blending distant objects with fog color.
Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter24Sound - package Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter24Sound
The Sound node controls the stereo 3D spatialization of sound playback by a child AudioClip or MovieTexture node.
Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter25LevelOfDetail - package Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter25LevelOfDetail
Level of detail (LOD) allows an overall world become very large by letting an author provide high-fidelity models when a viewer is nearby, and simpler geometry when the viewer is far away.
Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter26Viewpoint - package Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter26Viewpoint
Viewpoints are the primary way for an author to show users what is in a scene, helping them navigate among objects of interest.
Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter27SensingVisibilityProximityCollision - package Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter27SensingVisibilityProximityCollision
Sensing viewer activity enables the scene to trigger animations.
Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter28Anchor - package Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter28Anchor
Similar to HTML web pages, the Anchor node lets an author make shapes selectable for navigating to another viewpoint, loading a new VRML/X3D world, or launching new content in a Web browser.
Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter29WorldInfo - package Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter29WorldInfo
The WorldInfo defines the title of the scene and can hold additional metadata.
Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter30Scripts - package Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter30Scripts
Scripts allow authors to define their own event-handling code to improve animation sophistication.
Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter31Prototypes - package Vrml2Sourcebook.Chapter31Prototypes
Prototypes are an extension mechanism that lets authors define their own customizable nodes, improving reusability and sharing of cool content.
Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course - package Vrml2Sourcebook.Siggraph98Course
This entire book was presented as a tutorial during the ACM Special Interest Group on Graphics (SIGGRAPH) conference in 1998.
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