X3dForAdvancedModeling Examples Archive Javadoc
The X3D for Advanced Modeling Examples Archive
is a developmental resource for learning
advanced X3D Graphics modeling techniques.
- The X3D for Advanced Modeling Examples are part of the X3D Examples Archives.
- These Java versions of X3D model examples use the X3D Java Scene Access Interface Library (X3DJSAIL).
- The Web3D Consortium supports thousands of open source X3D models. Join today!
X3D is useful for creating, archiving and modifying
Additive Manufacturing (AM)
example models that are suitable for
3D printing.
This chapter illustrates interesting examples and design patterns for adding
to X3D scenes.
This chapter illustrates example scenes for generating and acoustically propagating audio as spatial sound.
This chapter illustrates example scenes for buildings and architecture.
This chapter shows a series of conversion, export and import example scenes
illustrating the use of various tools; open-source contributions are welcome.
This chapter illustrates design patterns and best practices for authoring different geometries
through a collection of interesting 3D shapes.
This chapter offers conversions from
glTF Sample Models (2.0)
X3D version 4
by showing full support for
Physically Based Rendering and
Non-Photorealistic Rendering (NPR) capabilities.
This chapter tests
Internationalization (I18N) and Localization (L14N)
of text display through a collection of HelloWorld scenes in many different human languages.
This chapter holds interesting scenes that (hopefully) provide motivation and inspiration.
Matlab and Simulink are a widely used products for mathematical modeling and simulation.
The San Carlos Cathedral model is a historical heritage project for California's oldest cathedral.
This chapter explores the use of
3D scanners
to produce X3D models.
This chapter illustrates document-centric security techniques for X3D models.
This chapter illustrates Shay D Pixel, the SIGGRAPH Mascot, created by Mario Nagamura.
This chapter demonstrates techniques for texture mapping, multitextures, and 3D textures.
This chapter illustrates 3D User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) techniques and widgets.
This chapter explores the use of
techniques in X3D models.