X3D Resources

X3D for Advanced Modeling (X3D4AM) Examples Archive

Web3D Consortium home page

X3D for Advanced Modeling (X3D4AM) is a work in progress for learning advanced Extensible 3D (X3D) Graphics modeling techniques.

Online resources include the X3D-Edit authoring tool, X3D Tooltips, X3D Validator, X3D for Web Authors book, and multiple X3D Examples scene archives. Also available: companion examples archive X3D for Web Authors (X3D4WA).

X3D Resources     Javadoc for translated java source 17 Directories, 136 X3D Models Open-Source License     .zip archive     Archive Information

Additive Manufacturing Animation Audio Spatial Sound
Buildings Conversions Geometric Shapes
Gltf Sample Models Hello World Scenes Inspiration
Matlab San Carlos Cathedral Scanning
Security Shay D Pixel Texture Mapping
User Experience UX Visualization  

  17 Directory Summaries   136 X3D Models
 Directory SummaryAdditive Manufacturing

X3D is useful for creating, archiving and modifying Additive Manufacturing (AM) example models that are suitable for 3D printing. Since many Additive Manufacturing designs are produced from Computer Aided Design (CAD) engineering tools, authors can also look at the Conversions example models and the Design Printing and Scanning Working Group.

Reference: Reese, Cody M., Remote Collaborative 3D Printing - Process Investigation, Technical Report TR-NAVFAC-EXWC-EX-1601, NAVFAC Engineering and Expeditionary Warfare Center (EXWC), Port Hueneme California, April 2016. From the abstract: "The intent of the project was to investigate the end-to-end process of transferring, receiving, manipulating, and printing a digital 3D model into an additively manufactured component. Several digital models were exchanged, and the steps, barriers, workarounds, and results have been documented." Numerous X3D examples, conclusions and recommendations are included.

Cleat Clamp, rendered by Okino NuGraf

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 Directory SummaryAnimation
Animation diagram

This chapter illustrates interesting examples and design patterns for adding animation to X3D scenes.

As illustrated by a Viewpoint sequencer diagram, simple models like Box Switch can show a lot of activity using simple animation techniques.

The X3D-Edit open-source authoring tool helped create these animation examples. Additional scenes produced by other authoring and conversion tools are also included.

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 Directory SummaryAudio Spatial Sound

This chapter illustrates example scenes for generating and acoustically propagating audio as spatial sound.

These examples are based on initial implementation efforts at Spatial Sound in X3DOM with Web Audio API, extracting and validating the X3D models which are contained in those HTML pages. They implement the X3D4 Sound Component.

Of additional interest are corresponding paper and tutorial given at the twenty-fifth anniversary Web3D 2020 Conference.

Sound Propagation Phenomena

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 Directory SummaryBuildings
Catalan Vault This chapter illustrates example scenes for buildings and architecture. Eventually we hope to include Building Information Modeling (BIM) examples and Architecture, Enginering and Construction (AEC) models. Of related interest: AEC Hackathon.

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 Directory SummaryConversions

This chapter shows a series of conversion, export and import example scenes illustrating the use of various tools. Open-source contributions are welcome.

Recommended changes to tool exporters include BlenderConversionIssues.txt, NetfabbConversionIssues.txt and OpenJSCadConversionIssues.txt


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 Directory SummaryGeometric Shapes
Triangle With Vertex Numbers This chapter illustrates design patterns and best practices for authoring different geometries through a collection of interesting 3D shapes. The open-source Meshlab and X3D-Edit authoring tools helped create many of these examples. Tools of interest for generating mathematical shapes include:
Sphere with 3 Circumference Rings containing Box

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 Directory SummaryGltf Sample Models

This chapter offers conversions from glTF Sample Models (2.0) into X3D version 4 by showing full support for Physically Based Rendering and Non-Photorealistic Rendering (NPR) capabilities.

Precise representation details are found in the Shape component, Lighting component and Inline node.

The open-source viewer view3dscene includes support for Converting to X3D as part of the Castle Game Engine project.

Additional references of interest:

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 Directory SummaryHello World Scenes
Hello World

Hello Costa Rica

Hello Germany

This chapter demonstrates Internationalization (I18N) and Localization (L14N) of text display through a collection of HelloWorld scenes in many different human languages. It presents a collection of interesting variations on the original HelloWorld.x3d reference scene using many different languages, thus testing foreign-language support by HTML browsers and X3D players. The Hello World scene itself was inspired as a basic test that follows a common pattern, demonstrating the simplest possible way to say "Hello World" in a given programming language. You might know that there are many such programs for many different programming languages. VRML and X3D are both illustrated on the Hello World Wikipedia page as part of several hundred programming languages.

X3D scene models typically use the UTF-8 character encoding which is capable of representing all possible characters used in human languages. Of further interest is Internationalization (I18N) and Localization (L10N) on the Web, which is the use of different languages in documents. Lots of work is ongoing as part of the W3C Internationalization (i18n) Activity. XML provides excellent I18N support for the Web. The X3D Text component allows authors to specify the use of numerous different language encodings, along with corresponding justify field for vertical and horizontal line alignment ("FIRST" "BEGIN" "MIDDLE" "END"), of text directions for horizontal/vertical, leftToRight/right-to-left and topToBottom/bottom-to-top, font family ("SANS" "SERIF" "TYPEWRITER" or other), font style (PLAIN BOLD ITALIC BOLDITALIC), etc. Thus the X3D Graphics International Standard also provides excellent I18N support for any human language on the Web.

Call for contributions! If you are interested in contributing a Hello World scene scene for your country or location, that is great. Please post it to the x3d-public@web3d.org mailing list or else contact us directly. Have fun with X3D!

Hello Seoul

Hello Taiwan

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 Directory SummaryInspiration

This chapter holds interesting scenes that (hopefully) provide motivation and inspiration.


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 Directory SummaryMatlab
Bouncing Box using Simulink

The Matlab toolkit from Mathworks includes numerous mathematical and scientific packages. Simulink can be used for animation visualization using VRML models, which are easily created from X3D. X3D models can be converted to VRML for use with Simulink and other Matlab tools.

Support is available for X3D and VRML. X3D models can be converted to VRML for use with Simulink and other Matlab tools.

Web3D 2015 conference resources: Simulink demo, poster paper, Fast Forward slides (.pdf) and video.

Directory Viewpoint Slideshow
Javadoc for translated java source

 Directory SummarySan Carlos Cathedral
San Carlos Cathedral, from front plaza San Carlos Cathedral, from rear balcony San Carlos Cathedral, from above

We are building a large, detailed archival model of the San Carlos Cathedral in Monterey California in order to show low-cost modeling and photographic methods for documenting cultural heritage and supporting historic preservation. This work includes a case study paper, historical reference materials and a TODO list.

Directory Viewpoint Slideshow
Javadoc for translated java source

 Directory SummaryScanning

Original VRML banana model 1994 Scanned banana data preparation 2017

3D scan test case: preparation with April-tag registration marks     3D scan test case: Hamming brick, reconstructed

This chapter explores the use of 3D scanners to produce X3D models.

On 22 July 2016, the Web3D Consortium CAD Working Group held our initial workshop at the Web3D 2016 Conference. Participants explored how to achieve a combined X3D Profile for CAD, 3D Printing and 3D Scanning. Much coordinated work has occurred since then.

The following workshop and VR Hackathon were held as part of the Web3D 2017 Conference on 2-7 June 2017 in Brisbane Australia. Activities included Virtual Banana Scanning with original model (1994) and new model (2017) results posted here.

Directory Viewpoint Slideshow
Javadoc for translated java source

 Directory SummarySecurity
Padlock closed The X3D Security Examples (in the X3D Basic Examples Archive) show how to use the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Security Recommendations for XML Signature and XML Encryption with X3D. Padlock open
Additional examples will be shown here to illustrate various security principles such as obfuscation of 3D geometric models, applying passwords, hidden messages, fine-grained control of model access using LOD and Switch, use of Efficient XML Interchange (EXI) compression, using encryption and authentication in combination with compression, and other techniques.

Directory Viewpoint Slideshow
Javadoc for translated java source

 Directory SummaryShay D Pixel
Shay D Pixel box

About the Artist and Character. Mario R. Nagamura is a Computer Graphics (CG) Artist and Designer working and living in São Paulo, Brazil.

"The lines of my character and simple and draw identification from a broad audience. The child is not specific, but is the child within all of us who dreams, desires and imagines."
This is the Concept Character winner of the contest "Spirit of SIGGRAPH" realized by ACM SIGGRAPH in 2016. They are Pixel (boy) and Bot (robot). People liked them so much, it was really unexpected! Yay!

The The Spirit of SIGGRAPH by Mario Nagamura includes many more images and drawings of Shay D. Pixel. Follow #wherespixel on Twitter!

Shay D Pixel bobblehead

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 Directory SummaryTexture Mapping

This chapter demonstrates techniques for texture mapping, multitextures, and 3D textures.

Texture mapping maps images to geometry nodes.

Multitexture techniques apply multiple textures to a single set of geometry, enabling a variety of visual effects such as light mapping and environment mapping.

  • MultiTexture node can contain multiple ImageTexture, MovieTexture and PixelTexture nodes.
  • MultiTextureCoordinate node can contain TextureCoordinate or TextureCoordinateGenerator nodes.
  • MultiTextureTransform node contains TextureTransform nodes that correspond to each texture image.

3D texture techniques apply volumetric textures that describe a volume in space, rather than a flat surface.

Texture Map Comparisons Cylinder

Texture Map Comparisons Rectangle

MultiTexture Design Pattern

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 Directory SummaryUser Experience UX

"User interface is the space where interactions between humans and machines occur. The goal of this interaction is to allow effective operation and control of the machine from the human end, whilst the machine simultaneously feeds back information that aids the operators decision-making process. [...] Generally, the goal of human-machine interaction engineering is to produce a user interface which makes it easy (self explanatory), efficient, and enjoyable (user friendly) to operate a machine in the way which produces the desired result. This generally means that the operator needs to provide minimal input to achieve the desired output, and also that the machine minimizes undesired outputs to the human." [Wikipedia]

"User experience (UX or UE) is a person's emotions and attitudes about using a particular product, system or service. It includes the practical, experiential, affective, meaningful, and valuable aspects of human–computer interaction and product ownership. Additionally, it includes a person's perceptions of system aspects such as utility, ease of use, and efficiency. User experience may be subjective in nature to the degree that it is about individual perception and thought with respect to a product or system. User experience varies dynamically, constantly modifying over time due to changing usage circumstances. Simplified, user experience is about how a user interacts with, and experiences, a product." [Wikipedia]

Presentation: X3D4 Modeling Support for User Experience (UX) (with video passcode Ss6#k@m4) Don Brutzman, Web3D User Experience (Web3DUX) Workshop, Web3D 2020 Symposium, 9-13 November 2020.

Related terms of interest: Graphical user interface (GUI) and Human-computer interaction (HCI).

Selectable Text

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Javadoc for translated java source

 Directory SummaryVisualization

This chapter will explore the use of computer-graphics visualization techniques in X3D models.

Directory Viewpoint Slideshow
Javadoc for translated java source

The X3D Resources: Examples page and Savage Developers Guide provide more information about the production of this archive.

Point of contact:
Don Brutzman (brutzman at nps.edu)
Open-Source License
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